Thursday, October 4, 2012

The race to teethe is on.

Oh what a few weeks its been with my 9 month old daughter Ava who has all of a sudden sprouted 4 teeth in the span of a week!  Of course its been the usual for any baby who is teething: crying, clingy, and of course not sleeping.  Its not that I didn't expect something like this - my 2 year old popped two teeth at once at 9 months and then another two a few weeks later.  But, the four at once really came as a surprise and a grumpy one at that (for everyone).  Well here we are a week later and I was hoping we would get a little break from the the teething monster, but alas....after a night of Ava waking up no less then 10 times to comfort nurse only to start crying because it hurt too much to nurse, she is teething again.  This morning I felt her gums to discover three more teeth trying to surface.  Oy Vay!  I know its a blessing to just go ahead and get the teething over with but I feel like we are going for a record here!  Well it looks like she will be chewing meat sooner then expected - here's to a mouthful of teeth.


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