One of my 2 year old daughter McKenna's favorite books has been the My Little Pony board books that I picked up at Dollar Tree when she was still a baby. They brought back memories from my childhood and how much I absolutely LOVED all things My Little Pony. My cousin and I even shared a My Little Pony House for our ponies that we would spend hours playing with. So years later when I saw these cute little books I grabbed them. My daughter loved them from the beginning. I think it was the bright colors and pretty pictures and needles to say she had no idea what the story was about so I just made things up. Now that she is 2 she still loves for me to read the books to her, this time as they were written.
While perusing the internet for some ideas for a top I wanted to sew for the girls I came across this great tutorial making the cutest My Little Pony-esq Costume. I absolutely love it so much and just wanted to share this with all of you!
It is called the Rainbow Dash Costume made by Jessica over at Craftiness is not Optional. Also take a look at the cute little Board Books.
Please check it out! I know I will be making this cute little costume for my little girl!
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